We were so surprised to get a surprise gift of two new fresh off the press pics of our darling new girl!! It is fabulous to see her smile.... sad because now we know for sure that she was taken from her nice stable foster family and returned to the orphanage to await our arrival. I don't know how much she knows.. or understands. It is sad that this happens, but I understand on some level. I disagree so many ways..
We are getting me packed and I am so done getting ready!! I need gloves and some new PJs.. and I am good to go! I nearly bust out crying every couple of minutes because I feel so blessed to have the two I do - Who could dream such great kids as EFP & EBB.. and now another. And in less than 10 days I will be holding my new daughter.. just the thought gets me weepy - with happiness. But also sadness... she will lose so much in order to gain a wacky family.. a Mommy who loves her to pieces already, a sister and brother who are beside themselves waiting for her.. a Daddy who is more then ready to wait on yet another Empress and a whole bunch of Aunts, Uncles and Honorary Aunties.. who are likewise waiting to accept this precious girl into our family. I sure had no idea 12 years ago when Imperial Daddy and I were married - that we would build a family that would be so beautiful.. so happy and so very thankful!!
6 Days until Beijing!!!!!